- Red Flag conditions for winter burns:
- Wind speed greater than 20 mph
- Relative humidity less than 20 percent
- Air temperature greater than 80 degrees F
- Fine fuel loads for effective burns:
- Minimum of 1,500 to 2,000 pounds/acre
- Optimum of 3,000 pounds/acre or more
- Diesel-gasoline mixture for drip torches:
- 60 to 75% diesel plus 25 to 40% gasoline
- Optimum weather conditions for winter back-burns:
- Relative humidity between 25 and 40%
- Air temperature between 40 and 60 degrees F
- Wind speed between 4 and 8 mph
- Optimum weather conditions for winter head-fires:
- Relative humidity between 25 and 40 percent
- Air temperature between 70 and 80 degrees F
- Wind speed between 8 and 15 mph
- Texas Air Control Board regulations for prescribed burns:
- Wind speed must be between 6 and 23 mph
- Burn must be started after 9 a.m.
- Burn must be completed by 5 p.m.
- Burn must be at least 300 feet from adjacent residential, recreational, commercial or industrial properties
- Burn can not be conducted when atmospheric temperature inversions are predicted
- Burn must be outside corporate limits of a city or town
- Minimum down-wind protection (firebreak + back-burn width)
- Slightly volatile fuels = 40 to 100 feet
- Moderately volatile fuels - 100 to 200 feet
- Highly volatile fuels = 300 to 500 feet
- Minimum firebreak width:
- 8 feet + 1 foot per expected mph of wind