Texas Ranching Conservancy
Herd Health Plan
For a spring calving operation in north central Texas
-- One Example for year 1985 --
By Nol Ward
Spring procedures
Mature cows and short yearling heifers
- Treat for internal parasites (Worm with Class II dewormer)
- Treat for external parasites (ticks and flies) - optional, depending on level of infestation
- Vaccinate against Vibrio and Lepto
- Vaccinate yearling heifers against Clostridial organisms (7-way blackleg)
- Replace any lost or unreadable I.D. tags
Mature bulls and short yearling bulls
- Treat for internal parasites ( Worm with Class II dewormer)
- Treat for external parasites (ticks and flies) - optional, depending on level of infestation
- Vaccinate against Vibrio and Lepto
- Vaccinate yearling bulls against Clostridial organisms (7-way blackleg)
Spring born calves 2 to 4 months old
- Castrate all bull calves not showing sire potential (requires identifying bull calves showing sire potential before they are worked)
- Treat for internal parasites (Worm with Class II dewormer) - Optional, depending on level of exposure
- Treat for external parasites (ticks and flies) - optional, depending on level of infestation
- Vaccinate against Clostridial organisms (7-way blackleg)
- Vaccinate castrated bull calves against Tetanus - Optional, depending on degree of risk
- Ear tattoo and place I.D. tag in left ear
- Fire brand (Holding and I.D. brand)
Fall procedures
Mature cows and long yearling heifers
- Pregnancy test cows and heifers (Do not work any cows or heifers testing open)
- Treat for internal parasites (Worm with class II dewormer after 1st hard freeze)
- Treat for external parasites (lice, ticks and flies)
- Vaccinate against Clostridium Perfrengens Types C&D (7-way Clostridium w/C&D)
- Vaccinate again BRD complex (IBR-PI3-BVD-BRSV) - use either a killed or chemically altered modified live vaccine cleared for pregnant cows
- Vaccinate against Vibrio and Lepto
- Inject Selenium/Vitamin E - Optional, only when retained placentas is a problem
- Inject Vitamin A&D
- Replace any lost or unreadable I.D. tags
Mature bulls and long yearling bulls
- Treat for internal parasites (Worm with class II dewormer after 1st hard freeze)
- Treat for external parasites (lice, ticks and flies) - optional, depending on level of infestation
- Vaccinate against Vibrio and Lepto
- Inject Vitamin A&D
Spring born calves 6 to 8 months old
- Treat for internal parasites (Worm with Class II dewormer)
- Treat for external parasites (lice, ticks and flies) - optional, depending on level of infestation
- Vaccinate against Clostridial organisms (7-way blackleg)
- Vaccinate against Haemophilus Somnus
- Vaccinate against BRD complex (IBR-PI3-BVD-BRSV) with modified live IBR and PI3 and with modified live or killed BVD and BRSV (give a BRD modified live booster shot 18 - 21 days later)
- Vaccinate against Vibrio and Lepto
- Vaccinate heifer calves against Brucellosis (tattoo State vaccination emblem in left ear)
- Inject Vitamin E (1000- 2000 I.U.s)
- Inject Vitamin A&D
- Replace any lost or unreadable I.D. tags